This picture was included in agudah's weekly press release from when NJ's assisted suicide bill passed the senate committee.
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Bob Gordon Voted for the bill in committee Why would agudah pose for a picture with him in a press release on assisted suicide when he voted for the assisted suicide? |
This is agudahs press release (highlighted portions are additions)
As some members of the New Jersey legislature work to make the Garden State the sixth state to allow physician-assisted suicide for terminally-ill patients, Agudath Israel of America is at the "forefront" of "aggressively" fighting that devastating move. when money was at stake they sent bus loads of people down to Trenton, how many did they send for this?
The "Aid in Dying for the Terminally Ill Act" passed the State Assembly with 41 votes - the minimum needed agudah did not lobby this, they were to busy with the convention - last month, and is now up for a full vote on the Senate floor. In the event that it passes the Senate, the decision would fall on Governor Chris Christie whether to sign or veto the bill.
On Monday, Rabbi Avi Schnall, New Jersey Director of Agudath Israel of America as did the OU who in my personal opinion gave a stronger speech (should have all speeches up soon) and 2 other Orthodox Jews, expressed Torah Jewry's vehement opposition to the proposed law before the Senate Health Committee members. Rabbi Schnall told the Committee of Agudath Israel's long history of representing Torah observant Jews in America - and why this battle is particularly important: "Informed by classical Jewish tradition which teaches that all human life is sacred, and possessed of the firm view that laws that undermine the sanctity of human life send a message that is profoundly dangerous for all of society, Agudath Israel's interest in the issue of legalizing suicide is especially keen." does agudah feel the need to justify their involvement when dealing with other issues
In addition to articulating the religious and moral opposition to physician-assisted suicide, Agudath Israel's testimony laid out a clear legal case for the government to ban the practice, the legal case? the law already bans it and noted that even some who support the bill from the medical community oppose the idea of allowing physicians to participate in a patient's decision to end his or her life. if aguda was the only ones speaking that would make sense but many in medical community were there opposing the bill, in fact of all the people who testified 28 (including many in the medical field) spoke against the bill, and only 3 for it.
Agudath Israel is also engaged in an aggressive lobbying campaign among individual state legislators to encourage them to vote against the law. We urge the public to contact their local legislators as well and encourage them to vote against the bill. why don't they give people the phone numbers (click here to find your district and call your senator) also mention (and mean) that your voted depend on it or they will not care about your opinion because the left is also lobbying and the senators know they mean business
Rabbi Schnall says that, per the directive of the organization's Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of America (Council of Torah Sages), the law presents a threat beyond its immediate repercussions. "If it becomes law, the assisted suicide bill can directly imperil even Orthodox Jews who would not willingly choose death, Heaven forbid," says Rabbi Schnall. "There is a very real concern of a slippery slope, where doctors, hospitals and insurers can pressure patients diagnosed with a terminal illness, people suffering from mental illness, and individuals with disabilities to make the wrong choice."
(Agudas press release) highlights our additions
It seems to us that their main objective is to tout agudah not fight the bill.
I also heard the speeches (on the NJ legislative website) and I certainly agree that the OU's speech was stronger that the Agudah. The best speech,though, by far, was the other orthodox Jew who said the Emes Lamitoi about what is happening in that committee.