After Seymour Lachman left the State Senate The Jewish community had a chance to put in someone who would fight for decency in the senate instead we stayed home and those who voted did so in what looks like a majority for a leftist pig (Diane Savino) who was one of the leading pushers behind same sex "marriage" and now Assisted "Suicide"
look at this map below and ask yourself could the Jewish community have brought out even 5,000 votes for someone decent?
now add in parts of Bensonhurst and Sea Gate and you'll see who is at fault.
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Borough Park portion of Savino's 2004 district (click to see entire district which includes parts of Bensonhurst and all of Sea Gate) Instead we had the Jewish "leaders" support this thing including outgoing state senator Seymour Lachman and Assemblyman Dov Hikind.
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notice that in the 48th and 49th AD's which Jews were most likely majority of the voters Savino actually won |
And for the record just looking at her endorsements and we knew back in 04 that she was terrible.
- She got the support of the Democratic Socialists of America (page 7) (they only endorsed 4 candidates in the state)
- She was the only the only candidate who got the working families party line (it was more idealistic (meaning leftist) then too)
- She was endorsed in the primary by Liz Kruger, and Toby Ann Stovisky 2 of the most leftists in the senate
- She was endorsed by NARAL (a super pro abortion group)
State Senators Look to Introduce ‘Death With Dignity’ Legislation This Month
By Jillian Jorgensen | 01/15/15 9:23am
After a terminally ill woman made headlines when she moved to Oregon so she could end her life under a doctor’s care, two State Senators are hoping to bring a similar law to New York.
“There are only five states in the country that allow for people to make end of life decisions similar to what Oregon does, and New York is not one of them,” former Borough Park State Senator Diane Savino told the Observer.
Brittany Maynard, 29, was suffering from brain cancer when she ended her life November 1 with a lethal dose of secobarbital prescribed by her physician. In New York, doing so would have put her doctor at risk of manslaughter charges, Ms. Savino said. She and State Senator Brad Hoylman want to change that with legislation Ms. Savino said they’d look to introduce by the end of the month.
“I was moved by Brittany’s story. I had seen her videos and felt compelled by the need, if I or any of my loved ones find themselves in a similar situation, to have that choice—and what a wonderful "gift" for her, that she was able to have a modicum of control over her end of life,” Mr. Hoylman told the Observer.
Mr. Hoylman, whose interest in the legislation was first reported by the Daily News, and Ms. Savino said the legislation would be modeled on the law in Oregon, a state Ms. Maynard moved to specifically so she could access its “Death With Dignity” law.
“What we’re looking to do is two things: amend the public health law in New York State to allow patients and doctors and family members of patients? to make end of life decisions that make sense for them, and two, to inoculate doctors who choose to do this from prosecution,” Ms. Savino said.
And Jewish leaders continued to support her
A patient would need to have a terminal illness that was verified by more than one physician, and have a prognosis of fewer than six months. The patient would need to be found to be of sound mind in a mental competency hearing verified by another independent psychologist which is not in Linda Rosenthal's bill (her's only mandates a psychiatric evaluation if a doctor demands it) which is presumably the same bill these 2 plan on sponsoring happens. If the patient met all the criteria, he or she could request in writing to be prescribed the lethal dose of medication.
“What we’ve found in other states that have this now is the vast majority of patients who elect to do so never use the prescription and that only 3% of people had a psychiatric evaluation,” Ms. Savino said, but simply want to know they have that power over their illness. “They have some control over what is an uncontrollable situation.”
The senators are working with "Compassion" and "Choices" who's founder Derek Humphry wrote a guide book on how to commit suicide that actually led to be people committing suicide, the advocacy group that published a video of Maynard discussing her choice to move to Oregon and set a date for the end of her life that put her—and the issue of "aid" in dying legislation—in the spotlight late last year. The group is continuing to lobby on her behalf for similar laws nationwide, along with Maynard’s husband Dan Diaz, who this week gave his first interviews since his wife’s death. Compassion & Choices also lobbied on behalf of another priority of Ms. Savino’s—the medical marijuana law passed last year.
“Compassion & Choices, as Diane proved, is a terrific partner and has a lot of experience in the New York State legislature. That’s why I’m thrilled to partner with Sen. Savino on this issue,” Mr. Hoylman said, also noting Ms. Savino’s ties to leadership as a member of the Democratic Independent Conference which means that this bill might pass if she makes a deal with Dean Skelos who helped pass same sex "marriage" and the rishaim/idiots of the 5 Towns keep electing.
Still, the legislation could face an uphill battle. Many religious groups strongly oppose such measures, and it’s unclear if it would find favor with leaders in the Senate, dominated by Republicans, and Assembly, or with Gov. Andrew Cuomo.
“It’s very controversial because it makes people uncomfortable, it really does. I never run away from the uncomfortable,” Ms. Savino said. like she did with people opposing same sex "marriage? “But in passing I mentioned it to a couple of members and I was somewhat surprised to how supportive they were. There’s not a person who gets to the age of 30 in this world who doesn’t see, or hasn’t seen, someone they love suffer terribly.”
Mr. Hoylman too thought it would be possible to pass the legislation, saying the state had a “sophisticated electorate”meaning evil/liberal electorate and that they would work to educate means pressure colleagues on the need for the legislation.
“We’ll work on a bill that people are comfortable with, including the advocates, including groups that are concerned about making certain that there are adequate safeguards like Washington where only 3% of people had a psychiatric evaluation? in the legislation, and address concerns like insurance meaning you are now going to pay for murder and be a full partner in this crime and who makes these decisions I though they claimed it was the patient? and issues that are crucial to making certain that the process is not taken advantage of,” Mr. Hoylman said.
Similar legislation was passed by the New Jersey State Assembly, and Ms. Savino said she’d be watching the progress of the neighboring state closely. which is why everybody should lobby in NJ to stop this bill She’ll also take lessons from her lengthy push to pass medical marijuana, she said.
“Lesson number one: pay attention to your colleagues. Their opinions count,” she said. “Also, there’s a very distinct possibility that this could be a multi-year bill. I’m prepared for that.” which means we also have to prepare for that.
(observer) highlights our additions
Everyone should contact their legislators and tell them to oppose assisted suicide or else we will vote you out
Brittany Maynard, 29, was suffering from brain cancer when she ended her life November 1 with a lethal dose of secobarbital prescribed by her physician. In New York, doing so would have put her doctor at risk of manslaughter charges, Ms. Savino said. She and State Senator Brad Hoylman want to change that with legislation Ms. Savino said they’d look to introduce by the end of the month.
“I was moved by Brittany’s story. I had seen her videos and felt compelled by the need, if I or any of my loved ones find themselves in a similar situation, to have that choice—and what a wonderful "gift" for her, that she was able to have a modicum of control over her end of life,” Mr. Hoylman told the Observer.
Mr. Hoylman, whose interest in the legislation was first reported by the Daily News, and Ms. Savino said the legislation would be modeled on the law in Oregon, a state Ms. Maynard moved to specifically so she could access its “Death With Dignity” law.
“What we’re looking to do is two things: amend the public health law in New York State to allow patients and doctors and family members of patients? to make end of life decisions that make sense for them, and two, to inoculate doctors who choose to do this from prosecution,” Ms. Savino said.
And Jewish leaders continued to support her
A patient would need to have a terminal illness that was verified by more than one physician, and have a prognosis of fewer than six months. The patient would need to be found to be of sound mind in a mental competency hearing verified by another independent psychologist which is not in Linda Rosenthal's bill (her's only mandates a psychiatric evaluation if a doctor demands it) which is presumably the same bill these 2 plan on sponsoring happens. If the patient met all the criteria, he or she could request in writing to be prescribed the lethal dose of medication.
“What we’ve found in other states that have this now is the vast majority of patients who elect to do so never use the prescription and that only 3% of people had a psychiatric evaluation,” Ms. Savino said, but simply want to know they have that power over their illness. “They have some control over what is an uncontrollable situation.”
The senators are working with "Compassion" and "Choices" who's founder Derek Humphry wrote a guide book on how to commit suicide that actually led to be people committing suicide, the advocacy group that published a video of Maynard discussing her choice to move to Oregon and set a date for the end of her life that put her—and the issue of "aid" in dying legislation—in the spotlight late last year. The group is continuing to lobby on her behalf for similar laws nationwide, along with Maynard’s husband Dan Diaz, who this week gave his first interviews since his wife’s death. Compassion & Choices also lobbied on behalf of another priority of Ms. Savino’s—the medical marijuana law passed last year.
“Compassion & Choices, as Diane proved, is a terrific partner and has a lot of experience in the New York State legislature. That’s why I’m thrilled to partner with Sen. Savino on this issue,” Mr. Hoylman said, also noting Ms. Savino’s ties to leadership as a member of the Democratic Independent Conference which means that this bill might pass if she makes a deal with Dean Skelos who helped pass same sex "marriage" and the rishaim/idiots of the 5 Towns keep electing.
Still, the legislation could face an uphill battle. Many religious groups strongly oppose such measures, and it’s unclear if it would find favor with leaders in the Senate, dominated by Republicans, and Assembly, or with Gov. Andrew Cuomo.
“It’s very controversial because it makes people uncomfortable, it really does. I never run away from the uncomfortable,” Ms. Savino said. like she did with people opposing same sex "marriage? “But in passing I mentioned it to a couple of members and I was somewhat surprised to how supportive they were. There’s not a person who gets to the age of 30 in this world who doesn’t see, or hasn’t seen, someone they love suffer terribly.”
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The "open minded" senator hung this outside her office during the fight to destroy marriage |
Mr. Hoylman too thought it would be possible to pass the legislation, saying the state had a “sophisticated electorate”meaning evil/liberal electorate and that they would work to educate means pressure colleagues on the need for the legislation.
“We’ll work on a bill that people are comfortable with, including the advocates, including groups that are concerned about making certain that there are adequate safeguards like Washington where only 3% of people had a psychiatric evaluation? in the legislation, and address concerns like insurance meaning you are now going to pay for murder and be a full partner in this crime and who makes these decisions I though they claimed it was the patient? and issues that are crucial to making certain that the process is not taken advantage of,” Mr. Hoylman said.
Similar legislation was passed by the New Jersey State Assembly, and Ms. Savino said she’d be watching the progress of the neighboring state closely. which is why everybody should lobby in NJ to stop this bill She’ll also take lessons from her lengthy push to pass medical marijuana, she said.
“Lesson number one: pay attention to your colleagues. Their opinions count,” she said. “Also, there’s a very distinct possibility that this could be a multi-year bill. I’m prepared for that.” which means we also have to prepare for that.
(observer) highlights our additions
Everyone should contact their legislators and tell them to oppose assisted suicide or else we will vote you out
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R Moshe Soloveitchik on assisted suicide |
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