NY Assembly bans gay conversion therapy for kids
on June 16, 2014 at 5:59 PM, updated June 16, 2014 at 6:11 PM
ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) -- New York's Assembly has passed a ban against
health professionals trying to change a child's sexual orientation
through therapy.
On Monday the Democratic-led Assembly passed the ban 86 to 28. It
would prohibit licensed psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers,
mental health practitioners and physicians from using conversion therapy
on anyone under 18 remember many molestation victims go on to develop attraction for members of he same sex, so this bill is pro sexual molestation. Clergy would not be included.
The American Psychological Association says there is no evidence so-called gay conversion therapy can change someone's sexual orientation . However the former head of the APA Nicholas Cummings, who is led the fight to declassify homosexuality as a mental illness, has admitted gays can change!
Bans against gay conversion therapy have already gone into law in New Jersey and California. A proposed ban was voted down in Illinois in April.
Opponents of the ban say that it may infringe on a person's freedom of speech. (read this to understand why they also don't say freedom of religion rather only use free speech)
The bill has been sent to the Republican-led Senate for consideration. and BH didn't get voted on before the session ended
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Why The APA Says repetitive Therapy is harmful |
The American Psychological Association says there is no evidence so-called gay conversion therapy can change someone's sexual orientation . However the former head of the APA Nicholas Cummings, who is led the fight to declassify homosexuality as a mental illness, has admitted gays can change!
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(The New American) |
Bans against gay conversion therapy have already gone into law in New Jersey and California. A proposed ban was voted down in Illinois in April.
Opponents of the ban say that it may infringe on a person's freedom of speech. (read this to understand why they also don't say freedom of religion rather only use free speech)
The bill has been sent to the Republican-led Senate for consideration. and BH didn't get voted on before the session ended
a. Being lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender is not a disease, disorder, illness, deficiency, or shortcoming. The major professional associations of mental health practitioners and researchers in the United States have recognized this fact for nearly 40 years. (bill)
Remember that many rabbanim (from all circles) stated there was a chiyuv for those who have a teivah for mishkav zachar to go for therapy to get help
Listen to Rav Yoshe Ber Soloveitchik on the possibility of changing homosexual inclination, and his strong opposition, to the liberal view of a therapists role in dealing with homosexuality.
Mordechai Levovitz (YMS) who wants to ban this describes something that is clearly not harmful
“Then modern Orthodox high schools were sending their kids to a conversion therapy program. The school psychologist would try to change them from being gay to straight. Their methods included having the kid repeating the verse in the Bible over and over again for 45 minutes. Looking at pictures of AIDS victims and colorectal cancer victims and say ‘this is what comes of homosexual sex.’ Kids were being "traumatized". We haven’t heard that lately. Now the complaints kids have is that they don’t hear anybody from the administration using the word ‘gay’, and worry about what would happen if they come out. "Orthodox" high schools are starting to think proactively about it,” says Levovitz. “We’re heading in the "right" direction.”
For the remainder of this post all those politicians who acted problematically that have a decent sized Orthodox population in their district will be highlighted yellow, those that have a sizable Orthodox community will be highlighted green,
"Orthodox" politicians will be highlighted blue.
(MS) COSPNSR Titone, Jaffee, O'Donnell, Barrett, Roberts, Skoufis, Zebrowski, Schimel, Rosenthal, Kavanagh, Bronson, Mosley, Brindisi, Paulin, Cahill, Lifton, Ortiz, Magnarelli, Davila, Weprin, Dinowitz, Moya, Peoples-Stokes, Titus
MLTSPNSR Arroyo, Braunstein, Brennan, Buchwald, Cook, Hevesi, Lavine, Millman, Ryan, Sepulveda, Skartados, Stirpe, Thiele
A06983 Votes:
Abbate | Y | Corwin | NO | Glick | Y | Lavine | Y | Nolan | Y | Rozic | Y | Titus | Y |
Abinant | Y | Crespo | Y | Goldfeder | Y | Lentol | Y | Oaks | NO | Russell | Y | Walter | Y |
Arroyo | Y | Crouch | Y | Goodell | NO | Lifton | Y | O'Donne | Y | Ryan | Y | Weinstein | Y |
Aubry | Y | Curran | Y | Gottfri | Y | Lopez | NO | Ortiz | ER | Saladin | ER | Weisenb | ER |
Barclay | Y | Cusick | Y | Graf | NO | Lupardo | Y | Otis | Y | Santaba | Y | Weprin | Y |
Barrett | Y | Cymbrowitz | Y | Gunther | Y | Lupinac | Y | Palmesa | NO | Scarbor | Y | Wright | Y |
Benedet | Y | Davila | Y | Hawley | NO | Magee | Y | Palumbo | NO | Schimel | Y | Zebrowski | Y |
Blanken | NO | DenDekk | Y | Heastie | Y | Magnare | Y | Paulin | Y | Schimmi | NO | Mr Spkr | Y |
Borelli | Y | Dinowitz | Y | Henness | Y | Malliot | Y | Peoples | Y | Sepulve | Y | ||
Braunst | Y | DiPietr | NO | Hevesi | Y | Markey | Y | Perry | Y | Simanowitz | Y | ||
Brennan | Y | Duprey | Y | Hikind | NO | Mayer | Y | Pichard | Y | Simotas | Y | ||
Brindis | Y | Englebr | Y | Hooper | Y | McDonal | Y | Pretlow | Y | Skartad | Y | ||
Bronson | Y | Fahy | Y | Jacobs | Y | McDonou | NO | Quart | Y | Skoufis | Y | ||
Brook-K | Y | Farrell | Y | Jaffee | Y | McKevit | NO | Ra | NO | Solages | Y | ||
Buchwal | Y | Finch | Y | Johns | NO | McLaugh | NO | Raia | NO | Stec | NO | ||
Butler | ER | Fitzpat | NO | Katz | NO | Miller | Y | Ramos | Y | Steck | Y | ||
Cahill | Y | Friend | NO | Kavanag | Y | Millman | Y | Rivera | Y | Stirpe | Y | ||
Camara | Y | Galef | Y | Kearns | NO | Montesa | Y | Roberts | Y | Sweeney | Y | ||
Ceretto | NO | Gantt | Y | Kellner | AB | Morelle | Y | Robinso | Y | Tedisco | NO | ||
Clark | Y | Garbari | Y | Kim | Y | Mosley | Y | Rodrigu | Y | Tenney | ER | ||
Colton | Y | Giglio | NO | Kolb | NO | Moya | Y | Rosa | Y | Thiele | Y | ||
Cook | Y | Gjonaj | Y | Lalor | ER | Nojay | NO | Rosenth | Y | Titone | Y |
listen to Rav Yoshe Ber's complete statement!
The Senate sponsors of the bill
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